Sunday, July 18, 2010

Out and About in Tegucigalpa

I am so proud of us. A bunch of us newbies decided to go to Tegus for the weekend since we had it off. I am pleased to report that no one was attacked or robbed. Success! We got on the bus from the Ranch at about noon yesterday, got off at Cerro Grande, and hopped a colectivo to the Hotel Granada. After we dropped off our stuff, we walked back to the center to run some errands and do some shopping. We found an amazing pastry shop, and I came home with a cream puff today as a treat for later. Some of us headed to Dolores to get some super cheap baleadas (flour tortilla with eggs, refried beans, and mantequilla - I like to add avocado). From there, we took a taxi to the Metromall (it's an actual mall - fancy that). I have to say, I am getting pretty good at negotiating with taxi drivers. We did a bunch of shopping. I bought a cute dress at a Forever 21-ish store for going out that night. I also had Little Caesar's for dinner at the food court. We went back to the hotel, took hot showers (so rico), and got ready to go out dancing. Today, we ran some more errands and went out to eat. Marie and I went to have Cokes with our friend Chele while the rest of the crew went grocery shopping. I had to laugh because Chele asked me if I'd gotten skinnier since last year because he remembered me being a little more gordita. I don't think anyone has ever used that word to describe me in the history of...ever. I explained about my heartbreak, and he was righteously indignant on my behalf.

I feel like my Spanish is getting better. Whether it is making phone calls, talking with Honduran friends, chatting with the tias, meeting people on the bus, exchanging witty banter with cab drivers, or ordering food, it is getting easier and easier. I have high hopes that I will be completely fluent after 13 months, and that is an exciting prospect indeed!


  1. Hi Miss Read,
    Sounds like you are having a great time. Rachel says i am typing too slow and is watching me type every word over my sholder. I am watching your blog all the time and i see Nathan all the time and we are having fun.


  2. Hi Miss Read,
    This is Rachel this time. It looks like you are having a great time in Honduras. It is fun watching your blog and seeing what you are up to. Joshua is typing way too slow and it is driving me crazy!!! I look forward to reading more about your trip. :)


  3. Baleadas sound delicious! Sounds like you're having a good time, despite being sick (boo!). Hope the war on Dengue is effectivo.

