Thursday, October 7, 2010


I have a confession. I love being vosed. If you’ve studied Spanish, you know that there are two forms of addressing a person, each with its own verb conjugation: tú and usted. In Honduras, Ud. is used almost exclusively. Vos is WAY more informal than even tú. So far, I have learned the conjugations for the present, past, and imperative. The kids use tú with me a lot because it seems to fit our relationship better, and they’ve had experience with other volunteers using that form. At school, I require them to use Ud. The people who use vos with me thus far include my co-teacher Kenia, the girl I’m closest with in hogar, and my año familiar and university friends. Some volunteers consider it disrespectful, but for me it means I’m “in” with that person. And I'm sorry, but when you're rolling on the floor laughing after doing an impression of one of your students or telling embarrassing stories about bodily functions (fun for all ages), you just have to use vos. Plus, it just sounds better sometimes. ¡Apuráte! ¡Vení! ¡Decíme! Yep, nothing I love more than a good vosing.

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