Thursday, March 17, 2011

El Día del Padre

If you think it's strange that we celebrate Father's Day at an orphanage,'re not the only one. I was anti-this celebration from the get-go. It seemed like another time-wasting event that might also manage to really upset the children. On top of that, we spent hours and hours creating intricate centerpieces and decorations. We also had to prepare a presentation for the assembly. I somehow managed to end up in charge of this. It would have been fine but, of course, we were doing everything at the last possible moment. The other teachers literally changed their minds FIVE times about whether they wanted a play or a dance. If I'm going to be in charge of something, I want it to look good, and I didn't feel like I could under the circumstances and ended up in tears. One of the other teachers ended up helping me with a little play about an embarrassing dad. Today was the big day, and I'm surprised and pleased to say how much I actually enjoyed it. All the male figures on the Ranch (directors, tíos, teachers, staff) showed up for an assembly in their honor. Our little play went just great even though it was hard to hear the kids (I did the narration). The most important people up front understood it. My favorite part was when they lined up all the honorees and all the kids passed through the line to hug and thank them. I took my little Nataly up with me. We had recess until the kids left at noon, and I got to just play with the kids, which was so refreshing. After cleaning the classroon as per usual, we went to enjoy a special lunch with the "dads." It was great to relax, laugh, and shoot the breeze with the rest of the staff, especially the Montessori girls. I hadn't talked to Momo about the fact that I'd decided not to stay another year, but she mentioned to someone that she didn't want to let me go and they'd be heartbroken, but that there would always be a place for me there. I've been having a hard time, and that was what I needed to hear. And it also felt good to honor some really important people on the Ranch for all they do to fill the father role for these children. Perhaps I should work on being more optimistic in general.

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