Sunday, February 20, 2011


I feel the need to describe this most odd of experiences. Everyone once in awhile, all the hogars need to be sprayed for bugs and undesirable creatures. This means that all the kids must vacate for an entire day and night. Casa Suyapa (little kids) sleeps in the building adjacent to the church, Buen Pastor (boys) sleeps in the school, and Talita Kumi (girls) sleeps in talleres (the workshops). The younger girls were in classrooms, but the older girls had to sleep in the auditorium. They all spent Friday night packing up their lockers and shoving everything into the middle of the room. Saturday morning, they brought their overnight stuff down to talleres. Metal benches were pushed together and beds set up on top of them to create a sea of humanity, mattresses, blankets, sheets, and pillows. We worked raking in the the morning and then after mass, the tias set up a TV and DVD player so we could watch movies. Dinner was unusually delicious, with my favorite piping hot sweet milk (lactose intolerant, schmatose intolerant). After watching Mannequin (one of my favorite movies growing up - hooray for the 80s), I curled up with Deisy for the worst night's sleep I've had since I got here. It was cold and terribly uncomfortable, but I wouldn't have traded the experience. I love being able to be in solidarity with my girls. That said, I hope it doesn't happen again in the next 5 months!

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