Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Being Home

A list of things I love:

1)Quality time with my amazing friends and family.

2)Cuddling with my kitties.

3)Flushing my toilet paper.

4)Hot showers.


6)Spending the day at Zeiger and feeling absolutely adored by children. It also helped to be told by staff and parents how great I look (healthy reminder of the heartbroken pit of despair I was in before I left and how much the Ranch has healed me).

7)Dates with Grandma: Seattle Art Museum, Seattle Opera, and Bookers.

8)The fact that Sister moved home the same time as my visit.

9)Seeing the new Harry Potter with Mich and sharing an epic crepe.

10)Visiting my old Spanish class and having the other guest speaker (the firefighter from Spain) insist that I must have some Latin in me because my Spanish is just that good.

AND...Spreading the word about NPH. Whether it is getting a huge suitcase full of donations from the Zeiger Girl Scout troop or friends donating everything from flat irons to nail polish for the girls or facilitating new sponsorships. I love sharing about this organization that is so close to my heart, and I love that people in my life have taken an interest in it.

A list of things I don't love:

I freaking MISS the Ranch. I miss speaking Spanish. I miss the volunteers. I miss my babies. And I miss my girls. Ready to go home. You know, the other one.

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