Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Things I AM Going to Miss…

Feeling guilty about the last post, I have composed the following…

1. Tucking my girls in at night, with hugs, kisses, and “Te quieros.”
2. Feeling like a rockstar as I walk around the Ranch and have my name yelled.
3. Hot tea from the kitchen.
4. 3 month-old Ricardo falling asleep on my chest after his bottle.
5. Being called Tía Kimmie.
6. Bantering with Kenia at school.
7. Visiting the conses in the baby house with Saravia.
8. Cokes and tortillas con quesillo in the caseta at school.
9. Natalia telling me I’m her mom.
10. Mass. (I know, but I really like it.)
11. Cheap movies from La Isla.
12. Living simply. That one blue plastic plate has lasted me all year for all my meals.
13. The sound of cracking nits (lice eggs) between my thumbnails. Don’t judge. I can now delouse someone and am thus thinking of becoming a full-time catracha.
14. Being half of Tío Richard’s conses al cuadrado. Or maybe I’m the square root?
15. The feeling of always being on somewhat of an adventure.


  1. #13 Is going to look so good on your resume! Also, after you return, in your spare time you can volunteer this service to the general public? Set up a booth?
    ~ Brianna

  2. KABBALIST KAREN BERG and DALIDA..you got a triple Fuckaroo!
    It's about PICKE- MICKE- SLICK and it ain't good at all.
    KIMMIE got a RICKY ROO in POO and they call it the POODEN of CONSES.
    And NAT- MATT- CAT got a load of POON with BLUES!
    And they call that PSEESSEN.
    They got fuck all, now!
