As is my wont, I have signed up for more activities than are really humanly possible. Here they are in no particular order:
1)Proyecto Familiar: Brothers and sisters here on the Ranch don’t get a lot of time together, so a volunteer a few years back organized Proyecto. A few times a year, all the families here get an opportunity to come to San Vicente (the volunteer house) to cook dinner and dessert and to eat and play with each other. Most of the volunteers take one or two families a month. I just had my first Proyecto on Thursday. We made spaghetti and white cake. It’s amazing how much fun you can have with a red balloon and a swing. Fernando (who is also in my first grade class) had me in stitches in his little hat and pretend cell phone – I had to share that picture!
2)Danza Moderna: After two practices, I got conned into performing last Friday at the culminating extra curricular activities presentation. I totally wasn’t ready, and when I showed up, Juan told me he forgot to teach me an entire song (the whole remix was already something like 10 minutes long). We managed to find a costume to fit me, and I ended up dancing in front of the whole Ranc. I was completely faking it, but most everybody was complimentary and impressed that I learned the routine so quickly. At the end of the night, I turned in my costume, and Juan had me mark it with my name for next time. I’m looking forward to the next session because I’ll be able to do the routine perfectly and also a bunch of girls told me they’re joining because of me!
3)Grupo de Apoyo: I also expressed interest in helping out with the support groups for our HIV positive kids here at the Ranch. I don’t know which group I’ll be with (they’re divided up into chiquitos, boys, girls, and teenagers/photography group), but I went to a whole group activity on Wednesday, and it was really fun. The kids learn about health, eating, taking their meds, and just have an opportunity to talk to people. I already know most of the kiddos, and I got some pretty good laughs by talking to a bug. The poor thing was dragging its dead friend around, so I gave it a “jalon” (hitchhiking) on a leaf. Pretty sure they think I’m crazy. Pretty sure they’re right.
So between all my activities, plus work, hogar, and Olimpiadas meetings, I am a busy girl. Just how I like it!
So, when do you sleep?
you are nuts.
ReplyDeleteahhh i miss you miss read!!!!! tell all the kids i said hii.