Friday, July 2, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Today is the big day. I can't believe how quickly the time has gone by. Honestly, I feel like all my excitement has been converted to sheer terror. This is really happening. My current negative self-talk goes something like this: "You are not brave or strong. What do you think you are doing?" And then I have a little panic attack. But I know that, as with most other things, I am making a bigger deal of this than it actually is. I vascillate between "It's a whole year" to "It's only a year!" However, all these going-away festivities have left me feeling so lucky for the support system I have here at home. And I know that that will sustain me when things get tough. My heart still has some healing to do, and I think NPH Honduras might be just the place to do it.

So in the spirit of the Sad Sack Sentimental Sally that I'm being, I have compiled a list of things I will miss for your reading pleasure. Here they are in no particular order:

My family and friends, my Zeiger community, weekly dinners with Grandma and Grandpa, my kitties Hank and Buttercup (the four-legged loves of my life), Intiman, Bookers, the finale of The Bachelorette and SYTYCD (sometimes my own shallowness astounds even me), Thai food, bonfires with my second family, Target (i.e. the convenience of being able to get whatever I want whenever I want it), hot showers, bug-bite free arms and legs, witnessing baby Kaylnn's firsts, the look on Jen's face just before I spill my guts, Krista's gourmet dinners, being able to say anything and everything with the girls because you can't cross lines where none exist, morning snuggles with Bobby's dog Eddie, and so many other things!!!

I will let you know when I arrive safely at the Ranch, but don't worry if it takes me a few days. I have a feeling the first little while will be a bit crazy. Much love to you all!


  1. You are totally that brave and strong, and while we will all miss you, you will come back to us with new ideas and so much to share. I know I look forward to reading everything you write. Keep writing!

  2. I am going to miss insane texts from you and having you just a phone call away for hour long conversations that end with me having no idea what we talked about. I will just have to visit (and bring you frozen...thawed Thai food)!

  3. 1) My mom is recording SYTYCD and bringing me as much of the season as she can in July. May not be the finale, but a few more weeks :)

    2) I don't have lines either, so I may not be your girls from home, but you can say whatever you want to me :)

    You're going to be ok, and you have a fantastic support system here, too! I can't wait till you get here!

  4. You can still spill your guts out to me. If you want, I'll take a picture of my reaction and send it to you. ;)

    I'm so glad you are doing well!! Thinking and praying for you (told you I would). :)

    Love you!
